Take yourself back to the 80s with this retro style star field watch face.
Note, this is a watch face for Android WearTravel back in time with this 80s retro style 3d StarField effect watch face. Give your watch face that sci-fi look.Feel like your traveling through space as stars zip past you, well almost!Just a fun watch face to take you back in time, nothing fancy, just a simple fun watch face.Configuration options.★ Digital / Analogue★ 12/24 hour★ Battery★ Text Color★ Position the Text, Top Bottom or Centered★ Multiple Background images to choose fromTo install please refer to the Wear Support Page.https://support.google.com/androidwear/answer/6140435Is compatible with Android Wear 5+ devicesIf you find any bugs, or would like to recommend any modification, please email the developer directly, requests made from within the comments will not be action-ed.Version 18 - Stars are now more rounded and do not look like square when large.